11/09/2024: Mig Dumper firmware update 1.1.5
There was a little bug with our Mig Dumper on some rare games randomly on some dumpers. With the much appreciated assistance from members of our community (they will recognize themselves, thanks!), our team was finally able to zoom in this issue and it is now fixed with this new firmware update.
Change log: 1.1.5: Fixed issue in mig dumper when drive could end up suddenly disconnected at some rare occasions
Click here to download the latest firmware.

07/12/2024: New Mig card cases
At Mig Flash, we always try to improve both our software and hardware. And we also listen to all our end users feedback to try to improve your product experience.
Today, we bring you a hardware update to the Mig Flash card, for which we had regular requests.
Mig Flash case V2 is currently the default set being sent for all new orders. It features a clip-on case with a modified game switch button that seems to be more convenient to use without ejecting the Mig Flash. Remember, we recommend to always close the game card slot to operate.
Because some of us at Mig like the more sturdy screw design, it will still be available for distributors, so you can choose the case you prefer.
You can see the new case in action in the short video below.

08/10/2024: Urgent update for Mig Dumper Windows users
Firmware 1.1.6 brings an urgent update to the Mig Dumper for users with latest Windows 11 23H2, 24H2 or higher version which implement a new Disk Signature Collision check.
To solve this we recommend a few options:
- Borrow an older Windows system from a friend to update Mig Dumper to firmware 1.1.6, or
- Download a Windows 10 ISO and create a Windows To Go USB stick with Rufus, then boot into Windows To Go and perform the firmware update, or
- Download a Linux ISO to launch a Live Boot system to perform the firmware update

01/10/2024: Important clarification about console bans
From reports we have received and seen with Mig Flash, ALL console bans to date have been because incomplete dumps have been used OR the BIN files have been mixed and matched from other gamecard dumps.
We have not seen a single ban yet when using 100% complete gamecard dumps with all BIN files and XCI coming from the same gamecard.
Additionally, turning off the Switch console WiFi does not erase any activity with incomplete dumps.
All offline activity on the console is saved and WILL be transmitted next time WiFi is enabled on the console again.

We become Mig Flash. Reason is again the powerful lobbying (corruption in most case) between large companies and lawmakers in certain powerful countries (we won't give any name, everyone knows :).
For some reason, the word 'Switch' now can't be used without the consent from the company Nintendo©. Even if it is just to explain a product is made for (or compatible with) a device made by another company.
To us, it is scandalous. But that is the way it is, and although we are not located in the USA, since they seem to control ICANN and a few other institutions we need to operate with, we decided to change our name to Mig Flash.
Sorry about this, and we will keep bringing you good surprises in the future.